Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Motivation

Meditation has been practiced throughout the world for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can help ease stress, reduce anxiety and improve sleep and job satisfaction. Waning motivation is a problem for many of us. The stress and strain of a busy life can overwhelm you, making even the most basic of tasks seem difficult.

When you meditate successfully, your focus will shift from the sounds and sensations in the world around you into your breathing. This situation makes feeling motivated to meditate more challenging. You will find that these methods fill you with positive energy and motivation.

Each day began with an opening meditation and yoga practice. It's funny many people still have this ‘mystical' perception of meditation, usually based on movies and media, when often times it's portrayed as being hokey or silly. From daily meditation relaxation and yoga practices to an indoor park (complete with AstroTurf, swings and park benches), the environment was designed to help attendees relax and recharge.

We are constantly bombarded with information that all of our senses are picking up and feeding back to the brain; meditation helps to slow the information we receive to a trickle which helps us to reduce stress, induce relaxation and enhances focus and concentration.

Normally, I would have profound experiences where surges of vibrational energy would flow through my body, and at times, contact with deceased loved ones would come and visit me. This stuff all stopped for some reason and my motivation quickly began to dwindle.

Try mindfulness meditation. A cross-sectional survey of 347 people by Manocha et al. (2012) showed that long-term Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners experienced a better quality of life and functional health than the general population. I get anxious when I try to meditate - that's probably because feelings surface that you might be trying to suppress.

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